La Cream Team 001



L’hirondelle starts the year of the rabbit with a new leap! A newsletter. How can an agency specialised in developing brands in Asia start sending newsletters in 2023 for the first time, isn’t it a prehistorical tool? After 3 years of frozen business, it is time to warm up our relationships and after 3 years of almost email-only contacts, we come to the conclusion that we all in here do read our emails. L’hirondelle newsletter is not sent randomly to countless companies, we send it to you because you are part of the persons we will meet face to face this year and, after 3 years of anti-social social life, this deserves a transition before we meet for real so, why not a newsletter!

Lunar new year

Lunar new year is the important family moment of the year for many Asian countries. It is a time for gatherings, catering and…gambling! Cultural activities and traditional customs that have been passed down for generations. It is seen as a time for renewal and a fresh start, and is celebrated with extravagant decorations, delicious food, and lively celebrations. It’s also a time to reflect on the past year and make wishes for the future, and to usher in good luck and fortune for the upcoming year.

What do people usually do at this time of year? Keep scrolling.


Traditions & Customs


The Chinese zodiac is a 12-year cycle, with each year being represented by an animal sign.

The Chinese zodiac sign of a person is determined by the year of their birth, not the current year. If a person was born in the year of the Rabbit, their zodiac sign would be the Rabbit, regardless of the year.

I am a Dragon, born in 88, no wonder I ended up living in Asia!


New Year's Eve dinner, also known as "除夕Chúxī" in Mandarin, is an important part of the Chinese New Year celebrations. It is typically held on the evening of New Year's Eve and is a time for families to come together, share a meal, and reflect on the past year.

The dinner is a lavish affair and is usually made up of a variety of dishes, each with their own special significance. 

The New Year's Eve dinner is an important part of the Chinese New Year celebrations and is a time for families to come together, celebrate their traditions, and wish for a prosperous and lucky new year.

This year, I only gained 2kg, that’s almost a diet!


Mahjong is often played during the Chinese New Year as it is considered a traditional Chinese game and a way for families to come together and spend time with each other. The game is a popular activity during the celebrations, especially among older generations, and is often seen as a way to bond and bring good luck for the new year.

In some regions, it is traditional to play for small stakes and for the winner to give red envelopes filled with money to the other players as a symbol of good luck. 

Yes, I am French and I kick ass at Mahjong!

New Year fireworks

Lunar New Year fireworks are an important part of the celebration of the Chinese New Year, which is the most significant holiday in the Chinese calendar.

Fireworks are set off during the festivities to symbolize good luck and to drive away evil spirits.

The loud noise of the fireworks is also thought to awaken the gods and bring good fortune for the coming year.


In the Chinese New Year celebrations, worship is an important aspect, especially for those who follow traditional Chinese religious practices such as ancestor worship and Taoism. On New Year's Eve, families often gather to offer prayers and offerings to their ancestors, in the hope of receiving their blessings and protection in the new year.

Born in Lebanon, raised in France, I put coins in the corners of my house, I drink water with burnt paper inside and I live in constant burning incense. Like Darwin said, adapt or die!

Red envelopes

Red envelopes, also known as "紅包 hongbao" in Mandarin, are a traditional part of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

They are small, red-colored envelopes that are filled with money and given as gifts, especially to children and unmarried adults. The red color is believed to symbolize good luck and ward off evil spirits, and the money inside is meant to bring wealth and prosperity in the new year.

I am a husband and a dad, every year, I keep giving and I receive nothing. What a good deal…But this will change when I become a grand-dad, so, in 30 years or so…

開工 Kick off

For businesses that have closed during the holiday period, resuming operations on the fifth day of the Chinese New Year can be a gradual process, as employees may need time to get back into the swing of things after the festivities. Companies may need to allocate additional resources and support to ensure a smooth transition back to work. However, by doing so, they can capitalize on the positive energy and optimism of the holiday season and set the stage for a successful year ahead.

APM - International Managers Club

Exchange of experience refers to the sharing of knowledge, skills, and practices between individuals or groups in order to improve performance and reach common goals. Once a month in Taipei, this exchange occurs through formal training programs, workshops, conferences, or simply through informal discussions and interactions.

We develop our skills all together by addressing one topic per month, sharing our challenges and brainstorming about solutions.

The exchange of experience can play a crucial role in development, as it allows individuals and organizations to learn from others, avoid mistakes, and adopt best practices. This can lead to improved performance, increased efficiency, and greater success in achieving our goals.

So, what’s coming next month? Stay tuned, it seems we are shooting commercials in a studio with a famous Taiwanese movie director…